Hi again,
after a bit long wait time, here is my application new release.
Nothing really exciting, just some fixes and some improvements especially in the user interface, so no videos this time.
It is highly recommended that you preserve a copy of your existing executable since many deep changes have been done and some new unexpected error may occur.
I really need feedback about new bugs or malfunctioning and also if everything works fine
Download as always from http://staff.polito.it/sergio.reano/
Following a list of the many changes.
Après une longue attente, voici la nouvelle version.
Rien de bien extraordinaire, juste quelques corrections et améliorations dans l'interface utilisateur, donc pas de vidéo cette fois-ci.
Il est fortement recommandé que vous conserviez une copie de votre executable actuel, vu que quelques changements profonds ont été faits et que quelques erreurs pourraient se produire.
J'ai vraiment besoin d'un retour sur les bugs ou dysfonctionnement, et aussi si tout va bien.
Téléchargement comme toujours :
http://staff.polito.it/sergio.reano/Ci-dessous la liste des changements.
Release History
Version - Changes to previous version (2011.03.28)
- Extended support for assemblies: selecting a part, the whole assembly will be selected. To select a single
part, hold down SHIFT while selecting
- Seams among bricks to enhance model quality. Use the preferences dialog box to change seams size
- A little support for model authoring under Edit menu item
- Some issues in groups (root group selection was causing some kind of malfunctioning)
- Undo/redo long time operations now correctly use progress bar indicator (low left corner)
- Hinge solver with universal joint connection now works: even if you may have to manually adjust joint
center rotation, animation and connection are anyway granted
- Baseplate connections are now better identified
- Animating a model that involves belt translation or rotation causes belt definition being wasted after saving
model position
- Creating a belt between pins causes belt not being correctly saved
- Better support for different font size in toolbox
- The toolbox now is resizeable and hideable (enlarge the toolbox to display additional options)
- Toolbox images now load in background: no longer time waste
- A bit startup and model loading speedup