Some people of Lowlug have invented the Lego Trucktrial and in the meanwhilea number of Poles have been buildng trialtrucks as well. I know there are at least three of four members of this forum who are already working on a truck, including myself.
What is it
Perhaps you know the original trucktrial idea: Making offroad trucks. The Lego version is basically the same, however the rules are based on Lego parts. The whole point is that you have to build a truck that can drive over rough terrain. The terrain may be made out of Lego, papier mache, wood etc... Controlling the truck can be done by using battery packs, pole reversers and a RC unit.
The rules
The truck:
- Must look like a real truck
- Approx. scale: 1:13
- Excluding the wheels the max width is 24 studs. Including wheels the max width is 25 studs
- All wheel driven
- Must be able to steer
The wheels you may use:
- 81,6x34ZR 8880 wheels and tyres
- 81,6x34ZR 8448 wheels and tyres
- 24x43 wheels and tyres
- 68.824S wheels and tyres
What features are required:
- Real cabin with steering wheel, seats and dashboard
- Working piston engine
- The platform or construction on the back of the truck must have a width and a minimal length of 24 studs
Motors you may use:
- Standard 4,5V motor
- Old type 9V motor (sometimes referred to as 'flattie')
- New type 9V motor (sometimes referred to as 'geared')
- You may use a maximum of two motors for propulsion. You are free to use other motors for other functions, for example steering.
What is forbidden:
- Modified parts
- Non-Lego parts (except for rope)
- Lego RC motors
Quelqu'un a déja construit un Truck Trial ?
J'en ai déja construit un, sympa et tout, mais avec des roues 62.4x20S, celles de a grue 8421.
Il roule super bien, je suis bien fier de moi

Maintenant, je suis sur un autre TT, en cours de développement :
Basé sur un Tombereau (MOXY), la motorisation est finie, une seule vitesse (pas de boite de vitesse), je vous donnerais la vitesse du camion rapidement.
Pour la direction, je travaille dessus en ce moment ... j'utilisais des vérins pneumatiques alimentés par une pompe motorisée (comme dans le 8868), mais c'est pas efficace :? donc je bosse maintenant sur une direction à crémaillère.
Des photos bientot sur BS
Quelqu'un donc en a construit un ?