xsergio74 a écrit:Hi, I try to answer your problem even if probably I cannot understand it completely.
- About performance: it is true that first time it loads part library images it take a bit, but after first time it cache them in memory so, after loading technics, bricks and plates, your response time in searches should be less than 1 sec.
Please also note the following: under Vista and Windows 7 the operating system tries to maintain updated the windows small previews in the taskbar. Doing that OS perform continues update to these contents resulting in a DRASTIC performance reduction when main windows are frequently updated. Turning off this feature increase application performance (over 10% in rendering !!!!)
- About tracks and sprockets: Even if tracks movements is still not implemented (really very, VERY hard to do at the moment), mounting a track over a sprocket is quite easy using the following technique:
. connect track element in a linear way (autoconnect performs connections)
. position the sprocket over the track in a way it will autoconnect
. use the rotate hinge tool and select the track element nearest to the already connected to the sprocket one
. choose the rotation angle nearest to the already connected element
. perform the rotation of the whole track in the way the selected element will autoconnect to the sprocket
. fix the position and repeat operation from the next free element of the track
This has anyways the limitation that if the distance of the N sprocket does not match with the length of the track it won't connect. I should implement a complex algorithm that compute an arch between sprocket to compensate the track oversize. Who pay for this ???
- About rotating parts: I know about a bug in rotating parts and it has been already fixed. Will be available in the next release.
- I'm sorry, but I can't understand the rest of your message due to my French (and google translator) limitation
Hope this can help you someways
Sergio for answering me, the tip for small previews is very effective !!! I won a lot in performances...
As for my other problem, it's just a lack of accuracy in position and rotation...
There is often a mistake of 1 or even 2 stud or degree of displacement with the real plan where the part must be...
But I am aware of managing perfectly connexions and positions/rotations must be very complicated et must waste a lot of time...
At worst, the only thing to add on your software is a window which enable to modify position and rotation of a selected part by typing its coordinates...
And I am also aware of this take a lot of work and time... 
Sergio pour ta reponse, le truc pour les miniatures est très efficace !!! J'ai beaucoup gagné en performances...
Quant à mon autre problème, c'est juste un manque de justesse sur la position et la rotation...
Il y a souvent une erreur de 1 voir 2 dixièmes de tenon ou de degré de décalage avec le plan réel ou devrais se trouver la pièce...
Mais j'ai bien conscience que faire en sorte de gérer les connexions et les position/rotations de manière parfaite doit être sacrément complexe et doit prendre énormément de temps...
A la limite, la seule chose à rajouter a ton logiciel est une fenêtre permettant de modifier les position et la rotation d'une pièce sélectionnée en tapant ses coordonnées...
Mais j'ai, là encore, bien conscience que s'est beaucoup de travail et de temps...
J´aimerais terminer sur un message d´espoir. Je n´en ai pas. En échange, est-ce que deux messages de désespoir vous iraient ?