Ma collection Lego

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Messages: 2

Messagepar CRCTproductions » Dim Déc 04, 2016 4:53 pm

Bonjour à tous,
Comme j'ai déjà évoqué lors de ma présentation, depuis quelques années je collectionne des Lego et je voudrais faire part de ma collection avec vous.

Star Wars:
x1 6205 V-wing fighter (en reconstruction)
x2 7655 Clone trooper battle pack
x1 7658 Y- wing fighter (en reconstruction)
x1 7669 Anakin' s Jedi starfighter
x1 7673 Magna Guard starfighter
x2 7674 V-19 torrent
x1 7676 Republic attack gunship
x1 7679 Republic fighter tank
x1 7680 The Twilight
x1 8017 Darth Vader' s TIE advanced
x1 8038 The battle of Endor
x1 7748 Corporate Alliance tank droid
x1 7752 Count Dooku' s solar sailer
x3 8014 Clone walker battle pack
x1 8015 Assassin droids battle pack
x1 8016 Hyena droid bomber
x1 8018 AAT
x1 8019 Republic attack shuttle
x1 8036 Separatist shuttle
x1 8039 Venator- Class republic attack cruiser
x1 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT
x1 8096 Emperor Palpatine' s shuttle
x1 8092 Luke's Landspeeder
x2 8083 Rebel trooper battle pack
x2 8084 Snowtrooper battle pack
x1 8089 Hoth Wampa cave
x1 8087 TIE Defender
x2 8086 Droid tri-fighter
x2 8088 ARC-170 starfighter
x1 8093 Plo Koon' s Jedi starfighter
x1 8098 Clone turbo tank
x1 8128 Cad Bane' s speeder
x1 7877 Naboo starfighter
x1 7929 The battle of Naboo
x1 7961 Darth Maul' s sith infiltrator
x1 7965 Millennium falcon
x1 7956 Ewok attack
x1 7915 Imperial V-wing starfighter
x1 7868 Mace Windu' s Jedi starfighter
x1 7869 Battle for Geonosis
x3 7913 Clone trooper battle pack
x2 7914 Mandalorian battle pack
x1 7930 Bounty Hunter assault gunship
x1 7931 T-6 Jedi shuttle
x1 7957 Sith interspersed
x1 7959 Geonosian starfighter
x1 7964 Republic frigate
x2 9474 Naboo starfighter & Naboo
x2 9475 Sebulba' s podracer & Tatooine
x1 9494 Anakin' s Jedi interceptor
x1 9490 Droid escape
x1 9492 TIE fighter
x2 9493 X- wing starfighter
x2 9676 TIE interceptor & Death star
x2 9677 X- wing starfighter & Yavin 4
x2 9678 Twin-pod Cloud car & Berlin
x1 9496 Desert skiff
x3 9679 AT-ST & Endor
x1 9500 Sith fury class interceptor
x2 9497 Republic Striker- class starfighter
x6 9488 Elite clone trooper & commando droid battle pack
x3 9491 Geonosian cannon
x1 9498 Saesee Tiin' s Jedi starfighter
x1 9515 The Malevolence
x3 75000 Clone trooper vs Droidekas
x1 75006 Jedi starfighter & Kamino
x2 75015 Corporate Alliance tank Droid
x1 75016 Homing spider droid
x1 75017 Duel on Geonosis
x2 75019 AT-TE
x1 75021 Republic Gunship
x2 75007 Republic assault ship & Coruscant
x1 75008 TIE Bomber & asteroid field
x1 75003 A-wing starfighter
x2 75001 Republic troopers vs Sith troopers
x1 75018 JEK-14's Stealth starfighter
x3 75002 AT-RT
x1 75004 Z-95 Headhunter
x1 75012 BARC speeder with sidecar
x1 75013 Umbaran MHC
x1 75022 Mandalorian speeder
x1 75028 Clone turbo tank
x6 75035 Kashyyyk troopers
x5 75036 Utapau troopers
x2 75037 Battle on Saleucami
x1 75040 General Grievous' s Wheel bike
x2 75039 V-wing starfighter
x1 75043 AT-AP
x3 75034 Death star Troopers
x2 75055 Star Destroyer
x1 75052 Mos Eisley cantina
x1 75054 AT-AT
x1 75045 Republic AV-7 cannon
x1 75046 Coruscant Police Gunship
x1 75048 The Phantom
x1 75049 Snowspeeder
x2 75050 B-wing
x1 75051 Jedi scout fighter
x1 75060 Slave I
x1 75078 Imperial troop transport
x1 75080 AAT
x1 75082 TIE advanced prototype
x1 75085 Hailfire droid
x1 75088 Senate commando troopers
x1 75089 Geonosis Troopers
x1 75094 Imperial shuttle Tydirium
x1 75100 First Order snowspeeder
x1 75101 First Order Special Forces TIE fighter
x1 75103 First Order Transporter
x1 75104 Kylo Ren's Command shuttle
x2 75132 First Order battle pack
x2 75134 Galactic Empire battle pack
x1 75149 Resistance X- wing fighter

+ x1 Ebon Hawk (projet en courts)
+ x2 custom AT-RT
+ x1 custom Rey' s speeder

x1 9390 Mini tow truck
x1 9391 Tracked crane
x1 42009 Mobile crane MK OK
x1 9396 Helicopter

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