Inscription faite !
Direction la grande ligne droite qui fait maigrir le compte en banque
Liste des Participants :
Total : 14
Si il reste des retardataires !!!
Faite vite la clôture c'est le 1 décembre. La validation de votre inscription n'est pas instantanée !
Pour les personnes "inscrites". merci de m'envoyer votre l'adresse mail (par MP) qui servira à organiser le LUGBULK
Règlement (en anglais) :
- Code: Tout sélectionner
• Each participating LUG member must be a minimum age of 18 years old.
• The bulk order through the LEGO LUGBULK Program is offered solely for the personal use of LUG members
elements purchased through the LEGO LUGBULK program are under no circumstances to be resold or given to the general public
• Only the LUG Ambassador and a maximum of one other LUG member may access the online ordering platform and submit the order on behalf of the LUG
• Orders that have been submitted via “checkout” on the online ordering platform cannot be edited in any capacity. Please do not inquire about post-order alterations
• Once your order is received by the Operations & Community Engagement team, your online ordering account will be locked so re-entry into the platform will not be possible
• [b]CONFIDENTIALITY – Individual LEGO element prices viewable in the online ordering platform and in the distributed spreadsheet are confidential and are to be restricted to RLUG/RLFM members who are participating in the program[/b]
• LUG sign-ups must be received prior to December 1st
• Login credentials will be provided to the RLUG/RLFM Ambassador by the LUGBULK online ordering platform’s webmaster
• The LUG members will need to input their individual name, age and e-mail for those participating in the LEGO LUGBULK Program by following the link given for individual sign up.
Please note that the individual sign-up requires the confirmation link in the e-mail send to the submitted e-mail account to be clicked.
Failure to confirm the sign-up result in the sign-up being invalid.
The link is shared in the LUGBULK 2017 topic in the LEGO Ambassador Network.
• All individual signups will have to be completed by December 1st.
• The LUG has until February 1st to complete their LUGBULK order
• All orders are expected to ship out no later than October 30th 2017
• The invoice created is based upon the total value of the order and the appropriate shipping fee (6% inside the European Union and 12% outside the European Union).
• The invoice will be made in the requested currency (USD/DKK/EUR)
• The LEGO Group use a fixed currency exchange rate when converting DKK cost to the requested currency type.
• For 2017 these exchange rates are 6,74 DKK per USD and 7,45 DKK per EUR.
• Please note that where we are obliged to do so, we will add your local VAT/GST/local sales tax to the invoice.
• The invoice will be created and forwarded as the order delivery details are confirmed by the element warehouse – Payment in March for orders shipping out late October can occur.
• Each participating LUG is allowed to order a maximum of 85 different LEGO elements.
Individual LEGO elements can only be ordered in minimum quantities of fifty (50) and then in incremental steps of +25
LEGO base plates and elements that cost more than 10 DKK (Danish Krone excl. VAT/GST/local sales tax) per piece can be ordered in quantities of one (1) and incremental steps of +1
Any LEGO element not listed within the online ordering platform is not available for purchase, there are no exceptions. Please do not inquire about elements not listed.
• The maximum order amount per participating LUG member is 1600 DKK (214,76€) excl. VAT/GST/local sales tax. This amount is personal and cannot be given or shared with another participating LUG member
• Please note that all prices are excluding VAT/GST/local sales tax and shipping fees
• The minimum order amount per LUG is 30.000 DKK (4026,85€) excl. VAT/GST/local sales tax and shipping fees
• The LEGO Group will order the LEGO element ID which was selected in the online ordering platform
It is the responsibility of the LUG to select the right LEGO element from the online ordering platform
Post submission edits, changes or corrections are not possible
• Due to the large quantities and intent of the program, the elements are picked in bulk quantities.
This may result in exact quantity deviations that are not entitled for compensation.
The exception to this is if an entire quantity of an element was not included in the shipment.
• All orders are added up to 10% extra for packaging reasons – any deviations resulting in less than ordered being delivered are to be compensated using these additional elements.
lisez bien ce qui suit :
-Si vous avez bien lu, il manque quelques personnes pour valider le montant minimum d'achat (18 participants) Je m'en occupe
-Vous allez devoir vous inscrire individuellement sous la bannière Techlug (je vous transmets un lien par mail)
-fin des inscription, 1er décembre, merci de le valider en avance pour éviter les problèmes.
-Le 1 décembre, je reçois un listing des pièces. J'ai le droit de vous le transmettre.
-nous avons jusqu'au 15 Janvier pour faire notre choix. (et les arbitrages qui vont avec).
Je pars sur 20 participants, du coup pour les règles de choix de pièces, voici comment nous allons procéder au début :
-Pour le premier tour, merci de choisir chacun 10 références (1 forme + 1 couleur = 1 réf)
-je compile, Il va y avoir des doublons, c'est pas grave
-Puis on fait une sélection des refs les plus demandés
-on évacué les réfs simpliste (GO BL)
et ainsi de suite ^^
Si vous comptez bien, 20 personnes / 85 réfs = 4,25 refs par personnes.
=> en gros vous pouvez réserver 3 références pour vous
L'arbitrage va dans le sens : La demande Collective > La quantité > le Prix
je me réserve le droit d'invalider un référence si la quantité/la disponibilité / le prix est identique a Bricklink
exemple : 4 personnes qui souhaitent acheter des Pins (le noir classique), total 8000 unités.
Je refuse => car la pièce est très courante sur BL, à un prix très faible, et je sais par expérience que les pins sont plus chère dans le Lugbulk que sur BL ^^