Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle UCS

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Messages: 2

Messagepar lee68 » Jeu Juil 20, 2017 2:50 pm

My MOC of Kylo Ren's command shuttle from Star Wars 7. I designed this from the bottom up (this is not a modification of the official LEGO version). I used movie stills, specs found online, and plastic models to give me an idea of shape and proportions. The body is solid so that it can handle the stress associated with the wings. The wings have studs out on both sides. The wings from tip to tip measure over 3-1/2 feet. The wings fold into a vertical position but do not fold down into the true 'landing mode'. I could take the upper half portion of the wings off and attach them if I want to display it in the landed form. I used over 1600 pieces to make this. I hope you like it!

Image_1640590 by Lee Goldman, on Flickr

Image_1640585 by Lee Goldman, on Flickr

Image_1640581 by Lee Goldman, on Flickr

Please check out more photos here:

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Messages: 19649
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Ven Juil 21, 2017 9:49 pm


I am not a big fan of that SW ship, as I think it kinda miss the "Star Wars spirit", but you did a good job at reproducing it.

Your build seems strong, which was not simple I suppose, because of the weight of the wings. You did good details, but I don't like the support you did. White parts ?
Try something more sober and discreet.

Some pics about the techniques you used would be greatly appreciated too.
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

Level 1
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Messages: 2

Messagepar lee68 » Dim Juil 23, 2017 1:09 pm

Anio a écrit:Hi,

I am not a big fan of that SW ship, as I think it kinda miss the "Star Wars spirit", but you did a good job a reproducing it.

Your build seems strong, which was not simple I suppose, because of the weight of the wings. You did good details, but I don't like the support you did. White parts ?
Try something more sober and discreet.

Some pics about the techniques you used would be greatly appreciated too.

Thanks Anio! I'll post some photos of the build in the next few days. I had to experiment to solve the weight issue but keep the frame strong. I hear ya on the stand. I made it white because I thought it might not conflict with form/shape of the ship in photos. Unfortunately, I did not have all white technic bricks to make it solid (white) so that it might blend in with the white towels on the floor. Ultimately I was trying to make it stand out :-). The 'home' for this guy is on my wall so the stand was just a temporary thing so I could get pictures at different angles.

PS, just finished your Juggernaut build. I loved it :-)! It was fun to do and looks great!

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Âge: 24 ans

Messagepar Indy » Sam Aoû 12, 2017 7:27 pm

Awesome ! I think it was really difficult to build the wings but the result is so Marvelous. Great job :resp:

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