Csepel D588 8x8 trial truck

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Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
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Messagepar LDW » Ven Juin 07, 2013 4:40 pm

It's my Csepel D588 Truck Trial:
weight: 3085g
drive: two gearboxes with 2 gears - 2pf xl motors
steering: 1xl motor
gearbox: 1medium motor
dummy engine: v8 (drive by xl motor in second gearbox)
full indepedent suspension
gears: 1st 9:1
2nd 3:1

All other can you see at the photos :)
I'm satisfied with this model - good it crashes :D
Sory, my English is no good - because I'm not write more.
Photos: http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=275500

Please comment :)

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Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Ven Juin 07, 2013 5:08 pm

Nice. :)

The cabin looks however heavy and very fragile. A studless design would have been lighter and stronger.
The lighter is a trial truck, the better it is. :)

How does it perform the best ? With Unimog tires or with balloon tires ?
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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Âge: 29 ans

Messagepar tangotii » Ven Juin 07, 2013 6:07 pm

Really cool! I like thee design of the cabin, but I think it's a bit fragile too, and maybe a little high, no?
The performs look good, but, like in Anio's comment, I wanted to know what is the best: unimog's tires or balloon tires.
So, for me, a really good Moc! :pouce:
La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne, la pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et personne ne sait pourquoi...
Albert Einstein

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Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 25
Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar LDW » Dim Juin 09, 2013 4:55 pm

Thank you for comments :)
Yes, cabine is heavy and fragile - I was going to be beauty :)
Anio a écrit:The lighter is a trial truck, the better it is. :)

I know - my new truck trial Tatra T813 is lighter than csepel (2,7kg - presentation is coming soon ).
The best (in my opinion) are ballon tires. Hovever on unimog's tires csepel looks better :D

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