
- Level 7

- Messages: 647
- Localisation: Paris
- Âge: 45 ans
par Celeri » Mer Jan 26, 2022 11:50 pm
Je t'en prie ! Moi c'est pareil, je n'arrive pas à me faire au pilotage d'une voiture RC par smartphone... ne pas avoir le feedback des boutons et devoir regarder son écran tout le temps, c'est juste pas possible. C'est sans doute parce que j'ai eu quelques voitures RC étant plus jeune (aaah, la Grasshopper de Tamiya, que de bons souvenirs !) mais aussi peut-être parce que je suis un vétéran du jeu vidéo, et donc J'AIME LES BOUTONS, niah. Sinon j'avais aussi un peu bidouillé un autre programme pour la 42124 : je ne sais plus trop d'où il vient à la base, mais il est intéressant car la gestion des boutons est différente (plus verbeuse mais aussi plus lisible). Il m'a aussi permis de me faire la main sur la customisation du voyant du hub. Et un autre truc sympa, c'est le bouton rouge de gauche qui agit selon le contexte : - si on appuie dessus en même temps que la marche avant ou la marche arrière, alors il pousse la puissance au maximum - sinon, il agit comme un frein - Code: Tout sélectionner
# Hub import from pybricks.hubs import TechnicHub
# Remote import from pybricks.pupdevices import Remote from pybricks.parameters import Button from pybricks.parameters import Color
# Motor import from pybricks.pupdevices import Motor from pybricks.parameters import Port from pybricks.parameters import Stop from pybricks.parameters import Direction
# Tool import from pybricks.tools import wait
# Initialize HUB #print(Color.GREEN.h, Color.GREEN.s, Color.GREEN.v) # 120 100 100 #print(Color.YELLOW.h, Color.YELLOW.s, Color.YELLOW.v) #60 100 100 #print(Color.ORANGE.h, Color.ORANGE.s, Color.ORANGE.v) #30 100 100 #print(Color.RED.h, Color.RED.s, Color.RED.v) #0 100 100 durationList = [75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 1000]
hub = TechnicHub() hub.light.blink(Color.WHITE, durationList)
print("Prout 1")
# Connect to the remote remote = Remote() remote.light.on(Color.YELLOW) hub.light.on(Color.YELLOW)
print("Prout 2")
# Initialize a motor on port A and B steeringMotor = Motor(Port.B) driveMotor = Motor(Port.A) maxDriveSpeed = 1250 # experimental, TODO: add autotune
# Set parameters to steering motor to be more responsive print(steeringMotor.control.target_tolerances()) # Read default value steeringMotor.control.target_tolerances(5, 1) # Default 50, 10 print(steeringMotor.control.limits()) # Read default value steeringMotor.control.limits(1000, 10000, 520) # Default: 1000, 1500, 100, 260 print(steeringMotor.control.pid()) # Read default value steeringMotor.control.pid(40000, 600, 2000, 450, 50) # Default: 4000, 600, 1000, 45, 5
print("Prout 3")
# Center steering motor steringSpeed = 100 # Centering speed angleRight = steeringMotor.run_until_stalled(-steringSpeed, duty_limit=60, then=Stop.HOLD) angleLeft = steeringMotor.run_until_stalled(steringSpeed, duty_limit=60, then=Stop.HOLD) angleZero = (angleLeft + angleRight) / 2 steeringMotor.run_target(steringSpeed, angleZero, then=Stop.HOLD , wait=False) steringSpeed = 250 # Default steering speed wait(1000)
# Define power for drive motor actualSpeed = 0 colorHueValue = 120 colorSpeed = Color(h=colorHueValue, s=100, v=100) # GREEN maxPower = 100 idlePower = 80
powerState = 0 #0: null, 1: break, 2: maxPower, 3: coast powerDirection = 0 oldPowerState = 0 oldPowerDirection = 0
# Ready! remote.light.on(Color.GREEN) hub.light.on(Color.GREEN)
# Buttons status statusLeft = False; statusRight = False; statusLeftPlus = False; statusLeftMinus = False; statusRightPlus = False; statusRightMinus = False;
oldStatusLeft = False; oldStatusRight = False; oldStatusLeftPlus = False; oldStatusLeftMinus = False; oldStatusRightPlus = False; oldStatusRightMinus = False;
while True: # Get actual speed and calculate led color to a smooth change between them actualSpeed = abs(driveMotor.speed())
if actualSpeed > maxDriveSpeed: maxDriveSpeed = actualSpeed
colorHueValue = 120 - 120 * actualSpeed / (maxDriveSpeed - 10) if colorHueValue < 0: colorHueValue = 0
if colorHueValue > 120: colorHueValue = 120
# Check which buttons are pressed pressed = remote.buttons.pressed()
if Button.LEFT in pressed: statusLeft = True else: statusLeft = False if Button.LEFT_PLUS in pressed: statusLeftPlus = True else: statusLeftPlus = False if Button.LEFT_MINUS in pressed: statusLeftMinus = True else: statusLeftMinus = False
if Button.RIGHT in pressed: statusRight = True else: statusRight = False if Button.RIGHT_PLUS in pressed: statusRightPlus = True else: statusRightPlus = False if Button.RIGHT_MINUS in pressed: statusRightMinus = True else: statusRightMinus = False
# Steering commands only if there is a button change if statusRight != oldStatusRight: if statusRight == True: # print("You pressed the Right button!") hub.light.animate([Color.RED, Color.ORANGE, Color.YELLOW, Color.GREEN, Color.CYAN, Color.BLUE, Color.VIOLET, Color.MAGENTA], interval=100) else: #print("You released the Right button!") hub.light.on(colorSpeed)
if statusRightPlus != oldStatusRightPlus: if statusRightPlus == True: #print("You pressed the Right+ button!") steeringMotor.run_target(steringSpeed, angleLeft + 1, then=Stop.HOLD, wait=False) else: #print("You released the Right+ button!") steeringMotor.run_target(steringSpeed, angleZero, then=Stop.HOLD, wait=False)
if statusRightMinus != oldStatusRightMinus: if statusRightMinus == True: steeringMotor.run_target(steringSpeed, angleRight - 1, then=Stop.HOLD, wait=False) #print("You pressed the Right- button!") else: #print("You released the Right- button!") steeringMotor.run_target(steringSpeed, angleZero, then=Stop.HOLD, wait=False)
# Power commands if statusLeft != oldStatusLeft: if statusLeft == True: # print("You pressed the Left button!") powerState += 1 else: #print("You released the Left button!") powerState -= 1
if statusLeftPlus != oldStatusLeftPlus: if statusLeftPlus == True: #print("You pressed the Left+ button!") powerState += 1 powerDirection = -1 else: #print("You released the Left+ button!") powerState -= 1 powerDirection = 0
if statusLeftMinus != oldStatusLeftMinus: if statusLeftMinus == True: #print("You pressed the Left- button!") powerState += 1 powerDirection = 1 else: #print("You released the Left- button!") powerState -= 1 powerDirection = 0
if powerState != oldPowerState or powerDirection != oldPowerDirection: if powerDirection == 0: if powerState == 0: driveMotor.stop() #print("*** MOTOR COAST ***") else: driveMotor.brake() #print("*** MOTOR BRAKE ***") else: # power direction is not zero if powerState == 1: driveMotor.dc(powerDirection * idlePower) #print("*** MOTOR IDLE ***") elif powerState == 2: driveMotor.dc(powerDirection * maxPower) #print("*** MOTOR MAX ***")
if statusRight == False: if powerState == 1 and powerDirection == 0: # BRAKE colorSpeed = Color(359, s=100, v=25) hub.light.on(colorSpeed) remote.light.on(colorSpeed) else: colorSpeed = Color(h=colorHueValue, s=100, v=100) hub.light.on(colorSpeed) remote.light.on(colorSpeed)
# Update status oldStatusLeft = statusLeft oldStatusLeftPlus = statusLeftPlus oldStatusLeftMinus = statusLeftMinus oldStatusRight = statusRight oldStatusRightPlus = statusRightPlus oldStatusRightMinus = statusRightMinus oldPowerState = powerState oldPowerDirection = powerDirection
Rien n'est plus semblable à l'identique que ce qui est pareil à la même chose. (Pierre Dac)