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Re: Char de combat & Tachikoma

Je veux apprendre Français, et tout le monde parlait Anglais. Dommage :think:
par mahjqa
Mer Avr 04, 2012 3:58 pm
Forum: Your MOCs
Sujet: Char de combat & Tachikoma
Réponses: 11
Vus: 15483

Re: Char de combat & Tachikoma

Hello Majhqa, as I have said on eurobricks, your tachikoma is a great MOC ! You have also my vote. But what about the leg stifness? Thank you! (And everyone else). However, I don't really understand your question. Do you think the legs are too stiff? Not enough? It's walking, which to me means the ...
par mahjqa
Mar Avr 03, 2012 7:38 pm
Forum: Your MOCs
Sujet: Char de combat & Tachikoma
Réponses: 11
Vus: 15483

Re: Char de combat & Tachikoma

Je le comprends, pas de probleme. :D Merci!
par mahjqa
Lun Avr 02, 2012 10:04 pm
Forum: Your MOCs
Sujet: Char de combat & Tachikoma
Réponses: 11
Vus: 15483

Char de combat & Tachikoma

Idfgj8jEFig Images dargOslomMA Images There are 3D files of these available at . (I hope I can rely on your translation services again; there is no need to translate French posts to English, but if you'd translate my English to French I'd be very grateful.) Hello again, ever...
par mahjqa
Lun Avr 02, 2012 8:13 pm
Forum: Your MOCs
Sujet: Char de combat & Tachikoma
Réponses: 11
Vus: 15483

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

Anio; They remain built until their parts are needed. I try to keep the PF elements easily removeable. Still, I break down most models, my collection isn't big enough to keep everything around forever. This is why I put so much time into my videos and photographs; in time they will be the only thin...
par mahjqa
Dim Jan 09, 2011 11:41 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

vivelevent; there is no suspension. The original does have it, but I chose not to include it because it would have made the model bigger, more ugly or more fragile. Luckily, it turns out suspension wasn't really necessary. Perhaps I'll try to include it next year, when there's snow again. Viveleven...
par mahjqa
Dim Jan 09, 2011 3:06 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

Finally, the video. Sorry to have kept you waiting.

Enfin la vidéo. Désolé pour l'attente.

par mahjqa
Dim Jan 09, 2011 2:41 am
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige The chassis of the Indrik, in digital form! Build your own! Amaze your friends! Smite your enemies! (Well, maybe don't do that last one.) LDD file:
par mahjqa
Lun Jan 03, 2011 4:36 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

I've added more pictures of the chassis without the cabin on top. Find them here: . I'm still working on a video that shows more things working. TrEvIzE; I can't weigh it here, but I estimate it's about 500-700 grams. The bricks from the cabin add a lot of ...
par mahjqa
Dim Jan 02, 2011 8:17 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

Thank you all for your kind words. doyengau; The first version may look a little better, but I really wanted this one to work, not just look good. So there are some compromises. Anio; there were many adjustments while building; snow is a strange thing to drive on, and with every big change I had to...
par mahjqa
Ven Déc 31, 2010 3:46 am
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige

STzYYgJmsoc Random facts; -It's inspired by the Tucker Snocats that were used to cross the antarctic over land for the first time. -It's orange because that's the color most noticable in ice and snow - The first versi...
par mahjqa
Ven Déc 31, 2010 3:08 am
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Stilzkin Indrik - Autoneige
Réponses: 34
Vus: 22041

Re: Racing char de combat

Cypr-21; that is because Zblj was actually inspired by my earlier experiments . TrEvIzE; I'm glad that I can inspire people. It's great to see how you've found other solutions. Thanks to the rest of you for your kind words, and thanks to the anonymous translator for his/her help. Cypr-21 ; c'est pa...
par mahjqa
Ven Oct 15, 2010 8:25 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Racing char de combat
Réponses: 5
Vus: 4438

Racing char de combat

fOuP_w0FZi0 Le Français, je peux le lire, mais l'écrire est difficile pour moi. Si quelqu'un peut le traduire, s'il vous plait... I thought I'd post this here, since the French AFOLs are very good and active Technic b...
par mahjqa
Mer Oct 13, 2010 10:28 pm
Forum: Vos MOCs Technic
Sujet: Racing char de combat
Réponses: 5
Vus: 4438

Re: Passe partout

Bonjour! Je suis le créateur du Igniz, et après avoir vu les visiteurs de ma vidéo, j'ai décidé de visiter quelques sites pour expliquer quelques choses. Désolé, mon français n'est pas terrible, mais je vais essayer ! Clément: les chenilles ne sont trop chères. J'ai utilisé 288 http://media....
par mahjqa
Jeu Nov 12, 2009 10:11 pm
Forum: Les perles rares du net
Sujet: Passe partout
Réponses: 55
Vus: 35891

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