en parlant de militaire, j'ai vue ça sur BS, plutot bien réalisé avec quantité de fonction :
(tank) |
Nico, j'ai déplacé le topic.
![]() Oui, il est vrai que ce tank est bien réalisé, mais j'arrive pas trop à accrocher... Ca il y a une lame à l'avant, c'est bien beau, mais je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt, à part de mettre du pneum. Bon, il a quand même du ajouter des compresseur, et son mécanisme répond plutôt pas mal (la lame bouge très bien). "L'articulation" de chenilles, c'est sympa, mais ça me laisse un peu indifférent que le tank soit un peu penché vers l'avant ou vers l'arrière... ![]() Question : ou est la tourelle avec le canon qui bouge de bas en haut ? oO ![]() |
En fait c'est dit dans les sous-titres: il a choisi le seul tank sans tourelle au monde !! Tout un concept ! Je me demande même à quoi ça sert de mettre un canon sur un truc pareil, vu que pour viser il faut tourner l'ensemble de la machine...
Le gros problème pour nous autres AFOL c'est que ça fait autant de fonctions en moins... Pour terminer là-dessus, sans nier la qualité du modèle, je n'accroche pas aux réalisations militaires en Lego... J'ai vu des "splendides" modèles de fusils-mitrailleurs sur Brickshelf, et sans pouvoir expliquer pourquoi, je trouve ce genre de sujet incompatible avec les Lego. Enfin ça n'engage que moi ! |
à les fusils mitrailleurs.....
A vomir ces truc là, et d'ailleurs je méprise tout personne qui reproduit des armes. Pour le tank, sans tourelle ouais c'est sur que pour viser c'est plutot chaud, mais sans tourelle, c'est aussi une articulation de moins, et il me semble que c'est essentielement la qualité de cette articulation qui fait la présicion du canon surtou quand on tire en roulant. bref je suis pas spécialiste mais je le trouve un peu futuriste ce tank, enfin c'est pas comme tout le tank de base quoi, c'est pour ça qu'il me plait bien. |
Merci beaucoup pour remarquer mon tank. Mon Francais est pas bien, je comprendre majorité de vos mots, mais je ne parle bien, so I will continue in English with your permission
![]() As for the tank itself, it is in no way futuristic - the first prototypes were build back in 1961. The lack of the turret is a result of emphasis on lowering the tank's profile, which is essential in Sweden, where the tank comes from, because the undulating Swedish landscape makes a low-profile tank a perfect hunter. The drawbacks of this design is the level of the tank's complexity, resulting in need for a lot of maintenance, and necessity to stop in order to fire - the main gun has no recoil absorbers, so the whole tank must stop and lock its suspension before it fires. On the other side, at the time the tank was employed in Swedish ground forces, there were no gun in the world able to penetrate its front armour - it was literally indestructable from thhe front. Coming back to the model, are there any questions you want to ask? I noticed that Anio had some doubts about the front blade, but I don't quite understand what was said. I will be glad to answer if you just please post your questions in English. Best regards, Sariel |
Hi Sariel, You can continue in English ! Firstly, welcome ! Thanks for the description and the history of the tank. Do you have some photos that you can post here ? How old is this creation ? As you can see, I translate your message in french, if I made some mistakes, don't hesitate to say it to me. |
All the photos are here
As for the model, it took me nearly one month to build, and was finished just a couple of days ago. It was test-drived for about a month, and I'm going to drive it in a Truck Trial competition in Poland one month from now, to see how it performs outdoors. So you may expect at least one more movie on it, besides I was going to publish additional movie that would explain the tank's functions more extensively - especially how the subtractor works, because treaded vehicles with subtractor are very pleasant to drive. The tank itself is pretty interesting too. I suggest you see these two movies to see: how manouverable the tank is : and how its suspension is elevated : Pretty fascinating construction, given a reactive armour and ability to fire while driving, it could still be a very threating tank. And of course thank you very much for your translation ![]() |
Welcome and thanks for theses informations !!
'tin ca pulse, ce tank en manoeuvre !! ![]() donc l'articulation des chenilles sert à régler le canon en hauteur, pas con ![]() |
If you're asking about the elevation system - yes, it's used to aim the main cannon. It ensures 26 degrees of motion, which is more than most of the tanks with turrets have. The cannon itself doesn't move, so aiming is done with entire hull - hence the suspension elevation system, and the impressive manoeuvrability.
Ok, let's translate !
I have a question, what is the subtractor ? Is it the system of motorisation ?
The both videos are very impressive, the manoeuvrability is amazing ! |
Subtractor is a special transmission system. It connects two motors so that one motor drives both treads in the same direction, and the other drives them in opposite directions. In short, you use one motor to drive, and the other to steer the vehicle. The other motor can turn the vehicle in place, but the main advantage of the subtractor is that you can use both motors at the same time - the result is the vehicle turning in an arch, like a car. It makes driving & steering very comfortable in comparison with vehicles that have each tread driven separately. For example teh 8275 Motorized Bulldozer - it requires to keep 2 motors working in order to drive straight, and one or two to turn (plus you must stop and turn in place). With subtractor, you drive entire tank just like driving a normal car - one motor drives forward/backward, the other turns left/right.
In my model I used this design of subtractor. The PF XL motor was used for drive, and the PF for steering: ![]() |
roooo putain j'ai enfin compris comment t'as fait.
Le premier moteur entraine les deux chenilles et le second opose une vitesse de rotation pour accelerer ou ralentir une des chenilles. C'est super imprésionnant. |
Hi, welcome on the forum SeTechnic !
![]() ![]() I just have read the post... Woooooo ! It is very impressive ! You really now much about this tank. Your explanations are very interesting ! ![]() As you noticed, I don't understand the front blade. Actually, does it have the same purpose that the blade on an excavator ? The 2 videos you give are amazing ! With this tank you can drift ! Do you know if it is possible with all the tanks or a specificity of that tank ? Besides, I really love the mechanism with the 2 differential ! Well done ! ![]() It is much more realistic than the mechanism of the bull 8275. ^^ PS : you seem to speak a fluant french, as you understand the most of the french word which are not commonplace ! It is really interessting to met AFOL form other countries ! ![]() |
![]() le truc idéal pour se remettre de la deception de la FSB001.. congratulations for this mechanism !! ![]() ![]() |
Nico, tu devrais nous faire un petit résumé de ce formidable mécanisme dans ce forum : http://www.techlug.fr/Forum/viewforum.php?f=31
Je te donne du travail ! ![]() Mais je trouve que ce mécanisme y a vraiment sa place (et tu cites son créateur : Sariel). ![]() |
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