Bridge building machine SLJ 50018

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Level 1
Messages: 5
Localisation: Blackforest , Allemagne

Messagepar WolfZipp » Dim Juil 28, 2019 5:58 pm

Hello, I want to present my ( well known ? ) MOC SLJ 50018

It is a functional model of the Chinese machine SLJ 90032

Image20130619084644_6093 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

Image7398_2 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

The machine is 92 m long , 7,5 m wide and 9 m high . The weight is 580 tons. It carry a 32,4 m long Bridge Segment with 900 tons.

Here is a long Video with all functions :

I build my MOC only from the Videos and a few Pictures .

I need about 1000 hours in 18 months to finish the MOC .

I build it with aprox. scale 1:25 , but with the half number of wheels, because fullsize would it 3,6 m long.

It is a full function model, not optical scaled.

13 Motors and pneumatic with 3 functions are on bord.

Self made cabel control box with switches incl. pneumatic Switches.

The Bridge box is no Lego , it has 2,56 kg weight., 60 cm x 36 cm x 8 cm

The model is 2 m long, 30 cm width and high, 10,5 kg weight.

ImageFunktionsbild by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

The Facts:

18 pair wheels 62,4 x 20 with starr axle. Separation was not able.

All wheels driven with 1 XL Motor for every Group ( 1 for 10 pair, 1 for 8 pair wheels )

All wheels turns with 1 L Motor / Group ( same )

Primare Support leg ( sliding leg )

Folding 1 L Motor with 2 LA in the leg

Lifting 1 L Motor with 2 LA in the leg

Sliding 1 M Motor with rope in the main beam

Freerun 1 Servo ( same )

Secundar Support leg

Folding 1 M Motor in the main beam

Lifting 1 L Motor with toothbar in the main beam

Winch 1 M Motor with 1 winch , 1 rope splitted to 8 ropes , to 4 hooks

Pneumatic 1 L Motor with 4 minipumps in 4 tact 90 ° different ( Modded from )

Fake V 8 in 4 tact 90 ° different ( idea from Dave42 )

Pressure valve

4 big cylinder at ever wheel group

2 small cylinder for hook lock

not necessary : Parking stamp 1 L Motor with 2 LA ... this is result of a discussion , I let it inside because of the weight , for driving

Control box

9V power in , Switches for every Motor, 3 pneumatic Switches LEGO

3 AC Controller for drive and winch

Woodbox with selfmade display


Styrodur with cement

There are some custom parts inside :

Cable extensions , long pneumatic tubes , ropes for the winches and the prestretching with metalhooks . and ballbearings for low friction sliding in the supportleg .

And the final Video :

Level 1
Level 1
Messages: 5
Localisation: Blackforest , Allemagne

Messagepar WolfZipp » Lun Juil 29, 2019 8:45 pm

Hello, I think you want see some technical Details ?

The first step was : To get driven wheelpairs witch can turn 90° .
I want the wheels close together and tested some things with splitted axles, but they were not stabil.
So I took the left one with starr axle , fixed in a big turntable typ II .

ImageIMG_20180106_105154 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

The steering get with the turntables

ImageFoto-0224 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

The other drivetrain is splitted, because the cat with the supportleg have to drive through .

The first steps :

ImageFoto-0314 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

And on paper with the leg with extesions

ImageFoto-0064 (2) by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

ImageFoto-0065 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

And the other leg with Extension , build with 1x4 toothbars

ImageFoto-0042 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

ImageFoto-0041 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

Test in a longer part of the beam

ImageFoto-0067 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

ImageFoto-0071 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

Next Problem : folding the sliding leg ( It took many try and error to find the right System )

ImageFoto-0110 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

ImageFoto-0105 by Wolf Zipp, auf Flickr

But the leg is too heavy, it doesn´t fly over the floor .

Next Problem : the cat slides not smoothly, because I use beams on the side.
I got a tip from a friend with the technicbeams und tiles to get a flat beam for the rolls .

I will continue ...

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Messages: 19656
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Lun Juil 29, 2019 9:08 pm

Holy Moly. :o

I can see you gave a lot of dedication to that MOC.
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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Free Bird
Level 12
Level 12
Messages: 3306
Localisation: ARA

Messagepar Free Bird » Mer Juil 31, 2019 12:17 am

I'm impressed by your bridge engine project and by your commitment to each step of the build. In gray, you haven't the same look of orignal, but it is still an achievement.

Level 1
Level 1
Messages: 5
Localisation: Blackforest , Allemagne

Messagepar WolfZipp » Mer Juil 31, 2019 11:17 pm

Anio a écrit:Holy Moly. :o

I can see you gave a lot of dedication to that MOC.

Thanks Anio , yes it´s a lot heartblood and many rack my brains over this MOC .

But the machine is very impressive , so I thought almost every day about the next Solutions .

Free Bird a écrit:I'm impressed by your bridge engine project and by your commitment to each step of the build. In gray, you haven't the same look of orignal, but it is still an achievement.

Thanks Free Bird , it´s Grey , because the pannels were cheaper and the beamframes 7x5 and 11x5 were only arivable in Grey .
My model is not scaled , only build for functions .

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