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Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Lun Juin 20, 2016 1:56 am

Loosely based off a corvette design, I created this back and white supercar out of Lego.
Driven by 2 l-motors and a servo placed all in same spot behind the seats.
I know the engine should be in the front but whatever, like the look of it in the back :wink:

ImageIMG_7476 by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
ImageIMG_7474 by lachlan cameron, on Flickr
ImageIMG_7405 by lachlan cameron, on Flickr

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Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 56

Messagepar abfire » Mer Nov 02, 2016 1:37 pm

Cool. I like the red ligths in the rear. I think the front is too massive and black isn't the best color.
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Level 8
Level 8
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Localisation: Alpes Maritimes - Sophia Antipolis
Âge: 41 ans

Messagepar Gandalf » Mer Nov 02, 2016 2:49 pm


Could we have more pictures please, from different point of view and from further away too :D
It comes up you are born to be

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Level 9
Level 9
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Localisation: Bures-sur-Yvette (91)
Âge: 41 ans

Messagepar bj51 » Mer Nov 02, 2016 4:25 pm

Gandalf a écrit:farer

from further away.

Level 5
Level 5
Messages: 143
Âge: 24 ans

Messagepar Indy » Mer Juil 19, 2017 11:07 pm

Pretty cool! What a priceless design! Add a spoiler and it will be more aggressive :lolroule:

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