White spyder

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Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Dim Avr 17, 2016 8:51 pm

Since my brother has started helping me with my supercars, he has wanted to get his own lego an build something original. Not copy anyone, just sit down and build without any guide, support or reference. I helped with the bodywork of this car, but the entire frame was created by my bro. This car features AWD, working steering wheel, custom door lock, working pistons on the V8, large 42000 wheels and independent suspension. Many features were torn completely apart to recreate.

Weight: 1.9 kg (4.1 pounds)
Size: 29 wide x 65 long x 16 high.

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Level 7
Level 7
Messages: 620
Localisation: Nantes
Âge: 28 ans

Messagepar boby » Lun Mai 02, 2016 9:34 pm

I like the style, especially the front. But I think that replacing panels by suggesting curves could improve the design ;)

Mon youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/Erysme
Actuellement en prépa, je n'ai plus beaucoup de temps pour toucher aux Lego.

Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Mar Mai 03, 2016 6:03 pm

boby a écrit:I like the style, especially the front. But I think that replacing panels by suggesting curves could improve the design ;)

Agreed, will work on that in the future.
Thanks for the advise :)

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