XL supercar

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Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Dim Avr 03, 2016 5:45 am

Due to the XL size of this car the placement of larger panels across the width of the car was possible. This really gave the vehicle a unique styling. I was able to use the large red panels for the interior and the black panels at the bottom rear of the car. Inside are 2 XL motors for drive, servo for steering, and 1 m-motor for the motorized suicide doors. The weight was so excessive on the shocks I had to put an extra strong shock on each axle bringing the total to 12 shocks. Still, the frame barely misses the ground. Framework was completed 100% from scratch, with a fake inline 6 engine. Check it out!


Brickshelf link: http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=563502

Level 6
Level 6
Messages: 287
Localisation: Région parisienne
Âge: 42 ans

Messagepar method » Lun Avr 04, 2016 10:09 pm

Woaw, it's huuuuuuuuge !!

Impressive work, hope to be able to build one of those cars one day :papylol:

Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 85
Âge: 23 ans

Messagepar Sectumsempra » Mar Avr 05, 2016 9:32 pm

For the first time, I like the design but the car is too large !

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Level 10
Level 10
Messages: 1761
Localisation: Le Mans
Âge: 55 ans

Messagepar didiert3048 » Ven Avr 08, 2016 5:06 pm

Verry nice car, for a first time. Congratulation.
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