Lamborghini Murcielago

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Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Sam Mar 12, 2016 3:04 am

Since November of last year I have gotten back into Lego. After many years away, I had received a new motorized 9398 4X4 crawler and fell in love with Lego again.
There is something so simple and calming about sitting there trying out new designs, functions and models. I very quickly became interested in building
model Lego cars because they seemed to replicate the real thing in so many ways. Now my two boys absolutely love Lego and have been a fan of playing
with my cars around the house. (Of course occasionally crashing them into the wall :look: )

I may not spend a lot of time building my creations, but after a few days I just can't wait to tear down my last one and start fresh with a new one.
That being said, this forum has taught me to have patience to take the time to create the right design. And have also learnt that quite often
extra power functions compromise the beauty of the design. So I went a bit back to the basics with this RC and only have rear wheel drive and steering.
That will always allow for more room to create a better design. :sweet:

Anyway, enough about me, here is a Lamborghini Murcielago that took me 3 weeks to make. To all of the purest's out there, this is not a perfect replica
by any means. It has Gull-wing door, which Lamborghini's do not have. But I can assure you, this is a 100% Lego MOC. (Even the blue rubber band that
hold the doors open is from Lego)
Browse through the pics, check out the video and enjoy!

Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Lun Mar 14, 2016 2:25 am

SO I finally figured out some Lambo doors to complete the build :thumbup:

Check out the new photos below:


Level 5
Level 5
Messages: 141

Messagepar Grizzly » Lun Mar 14, 2016 8:17 pm

Can you tell us more about the mecanism of the door, and of the car ?

Level 4
Level 4
Messages: 87

Messagepar loxlego » Mar Mar 15, 2016 2:38 am

Grizzly a écrit:Can you tell us more about the mecanism of the door, and of the car ?

this car was built from a super low framework that has all of the power functions low
to the ground. I built the frame first, then the detailed interior second, then the side
skirts & top of car third, rear fourth, front hood fifth.

Car dimensions: 47 long x 27 wide x 18 high

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