Motorized hydraulic excavator

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Messagepar yannmar » Mar Jan 07, 2014 5:39 am

Hi friends! At first let me introduce myself. I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia and I am sorry for my english. I am not novice in technic building, this is my fourth creation, older MOCs were presented in community (My galleries on brickshelf: Image, Image, Image).

In my opinion is strongest technic community, I visited it regulary for a long time, usually looked images, shame on me I've realized that I able to read too just now, google translates franch to english pretty well, so feel free to write commens in french.

I suppose all of you know how lego technic team makes mid-size motorized model control, two switches are needed to control each function: first switch attaches function to a motor and second switch chooses motor rotation direction. If this approach annoy you as it annoy me then model below may be interesting for you.

I had the following requirenments
  1. Model should be as compact as it is possible.
  2. Powered with one motor
  3. Any boom section should be controlled independently with its own linear actuator
  4. Any function (boom section) should be controlled with one switch.

There was no specific real excavator model I inspired with. Design was size driven.

So let's start with exterior photos.











The following photos show gear box design, please let me know if explanations are needed.




All photos on yandex

Thank you for reading, and thanks to lego, cool new parts made this model possible.

Update 1. Gearing (is made in LDD, that's why boom is not included).

Yellow moves boom up and down, green controls arm and red is for bucket.


Update 2. Video

Dernière édition par yannmar le Jeu Jan 09, 2014 1:31 pm, édité 2 fois au total.

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Messagepar Anio » Mar Jan 07, 2014 12:22 pm


That's an impressive model.
You made a simple constatation on official model and you came up with a solution which is as simple !

The final result is very effective and compact. I love it. :loveyes:

Your excavator looks very good too. You used and placed some parts very cleverly to get nice shapes. Colors are well "balanced" too (some grey at the back with the battery box, black cab, 6 yellow panel that do not hide all the mechanics).

Moreover, your build seems very optimised to me, with a very reasonnable amount of parts.

I think you are very close to what a (great) official model could be !

I guess that I just have to frontpage it now ! :D

edit : would it be possible to have a video, and 3D images to see how mechanisms are executed ?
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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Messagepar bj51 » Mar Jan 07, 2014 12:45 pm

Love this idea of 1 lever per function, playability must be very good. Very nice MOC.

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Messagepar Vinz » Mar Jan 07, 2014 1:48 pm


Sorry fo my english too...
Great!! I agree with you : using one driving ring to operate one function gives a better playability ! For non remote control models, TLG should really use gearboxes like those one your model where 1 driving ring = 1 function (ok it's a little bit more expensive because it requires more parts..)
In some MOC I use gearboxes like you do. I didn't present any MOC yet on techlug but I will do it for the 21th competition where I already chose this concept in my gearbox.

Moreover I really like the 42006, so I like your MOC too!

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Messagepar Alnord » Mar Jan 07, 2014 2:50 pm

Hello Yannmar,

Sorry for my bad english too. I hope you understand better my Spanish ... :D
Great achievement! I see your MOC, strangely resembles a #42006. (I have this model)
It is quite simple, and it is unfortunate that Lego designers never came up with someting like this.

Can you operate it in a video ?

Thank you and see soon.

(niveau 3° :lol: )
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Messagepar steph77 » Mar Jan 07, 2014 3:28 pm


Well done!
I used the same principe in my own excavator.
I really think that this system of reversed gearbox is very usefull, and you integrated it so well....

Great job!

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Messagepar yannmar » Mar Jan 07, 2014 4:49 pm

Thanks for compliments :)

Anio a écrit:I guess that I just have to frontpage it now ! :D

Cool! That is honour for me.

Anio a écrit:edit : would it be possible to have a video, and 3D images to see how mechanisms are executed ?

Going to make video a bit later. And gearing 3D images are ready:

Yellow moves boom up and down, green controls arm and red is for bucket.


Better resolutions are available in gallery

Alnord a écrit:Great achievement! I see your MOC, strangely resembles a #42006. (I have this model)

Thanks a lot!
42006 is really greate. I have it too, and like it a lot. In fact I bought it only to get parts for the MOC, but when box had been opened I was unable to stop, built and took to pieces right after :)

Alnord a écrit:It is quite simple, and it is unfortunate that Lego designers never came up with someting like this.

Probably they cannot spend as many time as we spend designing one model :)

Alnord a écrit:Can you operate it in a video ?

Give me a day, please.

steph77 a écrit:Hi,

Well done!
I used the same principe in my own excavator.
I really think that this system of reversed gearbox is very usefull, and you integrated it so well....

Great job!

Yep! I saw your model, didn't have a chance to comment it yet. You use large motor, and model looks more resposive and most likely it has enough power to move all boom sections simultaneously but payment is compactness, it whould be too expensive for me.

By the way what tool do you use to make video?

bj51 a écrit:Love this idea of 1 lever per function, playability must be very good. Very nice MOC.

Thanks a lot! It seems two MOCs utilizing the same idea were pupblished at one day. That's curious!

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Messagepar Pal » Mar Jan 07, 2014 5:40 pm

Nice work! The mechanism is a lot simpler than I thought it would be. It allows for a much more realistic operation than what we are used to see all in a compact model. I am just anxiously waiting for the video as I am wondering if switching from one direction or function to another while the motor is running induces cracking or stripping of the gears.

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Messagepar steph77 » Mar Jan 07, 2014 6:10 pm

yannmar a écrit:By the way what tool do you use to make video?

I use 'Windows live movie maker' this software is installed by default on every Windows computer. you find it in start menu/ programs/Windows live movie maker

yannmar a écrit:Thanks a lot! It seems two MOCs utilizing the same idea were pupblished at one day. That's curious!

the second one was mine ;)

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Messagepar yannmar » Mar Jan 07, 2014 6:36 pm

Pal a écrit:Nice work! The mechanism is a lot simpler than I thought it would be. It allows for a much more realistic operation than what we are used to see all in a compact model. I am just anxiously waiting for the video as I am wondering if switching from one direction or function to another while the motor is running induces cracking or stripping of the gears.

Thanks a lot! More gears - less power, therefore it must be simple, as simple as it is possible. Also simplicity gives compactness that's the second serious reason. Challenge was to reverse rotation with minimal loss, I failed several times trying to do this with corner and badly designed cylindric gear trains.

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Messagepar raoulman » Mer Jan 08, 2014 1:53 am

very nice MOC.
it's very simple but effective.

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Messagepar jyd80 » Jeu Jan 09, 2014 12:39 pm

Hi yannmar,

Congratulations for this excellent moc! It features precisely what I love to see in a model: a lot of simple but clever mechanisms ! In a way your model is very close in principle to the original spirit of the good old-timer pneumatic excavators, driven by one pump and several pneumatic switches... Once more, I like that very much :) I am looking forward to seeing more of your creations!

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Messagepar yannmar » Jeu Jan 09, 2014 1:28 pm

vimeo looks more userfriendly but is unsupported by this forum engine :(

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Messagepar Pal » Jeu Jan 09, 2014 4:10 pm

It might be a little slow but otherwise flawless.

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Messagepar yannmar » Jeu Jan 09, 2014 4:32 pm

Pal a écrit:It might be a little slow...

Right. Have you seen steph77's recent excavator model video? His model is powered with L-motor and looks much more responsive.

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