Images Images There are 3D files of these available at http://build.mahjqa.com . (I hope I can rely on your translation services again; there is no need to translate French posts to English, but if you'd translate my English to French I'd be very grateful.) Hello again, everyone. I've got two new creations to share with you, and I'm also asking for help. Since my last creation (the blue robot) proved very popular, I've added it to Lego Cuusoo, hoping that Lego may one day make a set out of it. However, for that to happen 10.000 people need to vote for it. I'm hoping that you could help me add some votes towards that goal. So if you think it is a good cause, please go here and vote. Should you have any other comments, questions about these creations or any other I've made, please let me know. |
Hi Majhqa,
I like your MOC, it is great ! My vote for your Tachicoma is done too. I look at your blog and your Youtube channel every week : I'm fan !! Aux modérateurs : je fais de mon mieux mais désolé pour les fautes (je pense qu'il y en a...). Pikalego Ma collection est ici.
Mon blog : MrTytan's blog._________Ma chaine YouTube Métier rêvé : Ingénieur en mécanique |
Thank you! (And everyone else). However, I don't really understand your question. Do you think the legs are too stiff? Not enough? It's walking, which to me means the legs are OK... |
I'm just asking if the legs are strong enough to work for houres.But apparently, from what you say,they are
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Ils sont plutôt sympa d'avoir ouvert une section dédiée pour le langage anglais. Mais si tu veux, rien ne te retiens de poster ailleurs en français pour l'apprendre un peu plus. ![]() |
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