Trial chassis

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Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 24

Messagepar raus » Mer Juin 23, 2010 1:15 pm

Hello everyone, excuse the English, I'm using online translation, follow the link for this new Moc. Quiz make an experimental chassis with four-wheel independent suspension using trays 8880 and custom springs. Driven by a motor reduction xl without getting a good speed but the arms that move the direction are not firm enough for good driving. Hope you enjoy.

Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 24

Messagepar raus » Mer Juin 23, 2010 1:20 pm

Hello everyone, excuse the English, I'm using online translation, follow the link for this new Moc. Truck Trial in that only used one xl motor with a transfer of rotation for two axes in a simple way without taking up much space. Put again suspended pendulum with springs loose. The reduction is XL> 12 t - 20 t> 12 t - 20 t> 8 t - 24 t for each wheel.
Hope you enjoy.

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Messages: 19643
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Mer Juin 23, 2010 1:29 pm

Raus, I think that you really should consider to suscribe on a forum which use your language.
It were much more pleasant for you since more people were able to answer you, and it would avoid us to have unreadable English messages. :clin:

Raus, je crois vraiment que tu devrais penser à t'inscrire sur un forum qui utilise ta langue.
Ce serait beaucoup plus agréable pour toi car davantage de personnes pourraient te répondre, et ca nous éviterait d'avoir à lire des messages dans un Anglais quasiment incompréhensible. :clin:
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 24

Messagepar raus » Mer Juin 23, 2010 1:54 pm

Anio, actually I'd like to share with you my Mocs, but I realized that I am not welcome. I am already registered in all forums that exist, including Lugpol who is Russian and I never had this kind of problem. When I surf on foreign web sites that I'm interested in the subject, I do understand the translation ara!
I then explained to me I get my registration for this forum.
Thank you.

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Messages: 19643
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Mer Juin 23, 2010 1:58 pm

Well. Whatever you want ! ;)

Ok. C'est comme tu veux ! ;)
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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