Renault Magnum Racing Edition

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Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar LDW » Jeu Sep 19, 2013 6:30 pm

Hi everyone!
It's my new version of Renault Magnum - Racing Edition:
Old version here.
Weight: 2,25 kg
Drive by 2 RC motors. Reduction: 2,34:1
Steering by PF servo motor.
Full suspension.
2 IR receivers.
2 lights.
2 battery boxes: small and big
Magnum isn't very fast, because it is very height. In front suspension is pendular, in the back is suspended axle with 2 6,5l shock absorber.
It is driving and steering very good, but I'm not glad with speed. I haven't 8878 and Renault is height :/
More photos:


Please comment!
Dernière édition par LDW le Dim Sep 22, 2013 12:09 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

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Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar technic8258 » Jeu Sep 19, 2013 9:08 pm

This is a very beautiful Magnum. ;)
The construction is clean and well finished, I like it.
Do you plan to do a building instruction ? Because I would be interested in it.

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Messagepar steph77 » Jeu Sep 19, 2013 9:29 pm

How can you say that your truck isn't very fast :gasp:

Maybe you had to say it isn't as fast as you expected it to be...
Considering it's total weight, this is already a real performance and challenge!

Well done.

Steph. ;)

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Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 25
Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar LDW » Ven Sep 20, 2013 9:42 am

Thank you very much!
technic8258 a écrit:Do you plan to do a building instruction ? Because I would be interested in it.

Yes, I'll build LDD version.
I would like to sell Magnum, because I spent all my money on this model :c

steph77 a écrit:How can you say that your truck isn't very fast :gasp:
Maybe you had to say it isn't as fast as you expected it to be...
Considering it's total weight, this is already a real performance and challenge!

Thanks :)
Sariel's Scania was faster and I wanted to build version which is fast like a Sariel;'s Scania :/
But my Renault is 550g heavier and I haven't 8878 battery boxes...

Thank you again :)

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Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 25
Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar LDW » Dim Oct 06, 2013 1:36 pm

Hi again.
Renault instruction is now available!
Please contact, when you want to buy it ;)

[email protected]


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