[CONCOURS 15] Lime buggy by LDW

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Level 3
Level 3
Messages: 25
Localisation: Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland
Âge: 27 ans

Messagepar LDW » Jeu Oct 11, 2012 10:32 pm

Hi there!
Lime Buggy for the competition 15 desert buggy:


lenght: 45cm
wight: 27cm
height: 20cm
weight: 1000g

fake engine: v8
gearbox: drive rings, 6 gears
steering: steering wheel, HOG
suspension: full pendular
drive: RWD


Construction is made ​​of beams and frames.
The suspension consists of a wishbone arms and shock absorbers
of set 8466. Transmission has been built straight. It consists
of drive rings and gears 12,16,20. Gear:
1. 7:1 (3:1 -> 1,7:1 -> 1,4:1)
2. 4.2:1 (3:1 -> 1:1 -> 1,4:1)
3. 2.4:1 (1:1 -> 1,7:1 -> 1,4:1)
4. 1.4:1 (1:1 -> 1:1 -> 1,4:1)
5. 1:1.25 (1:3 -> 1,7:1 -> 1,4:1)
6. 1:2.14 (1:3 -> 1:1 -> 1,4:1)

The drive is transmitted by the differential.
I am very satisfied with the suspension, very nice work (in my opinion :D)



I'm sorry I did not write more but I can not speak English so good :P

Good luck in the contest!
Thank you. Regards.

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Messages: 19651
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Jeu Oct 11, 2012 10:55 pm

You are the only one who used formula 1 suspensions. That's a very good idea.

The MOC is pretty good, especially when we consider that you took only few days to do it.

Good luck !
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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Free Bird
Level 12
Level 12
Messages: 3303
Localisation: ARA

Messagepar Free Bird » Lun Déc 10, 2012 1:57 am

Wow, there is one of rare moc with "suggest lines" that i like. Because the spirit of trial buggy is the same : light weight, max suspensions, and minimalist cockpit with nice weels.

Sorry for my bad english.

Coool ! 8)

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