I present to you Mercedes Econic:

2xl - drive
1XL -steering
1 RC -compressor
4M - 4 electrovalves
1 M -gearbox
8 large pneumatic actuators, 2 small actuators, 2 small pumps, 5 switches , 6 PF extension wire, 2 switches pf, 3 pairs of lights, 4 receivers pf.
Garbage truck is equipped with a lift to the bins, Trash Compactor, garbage ejection platform and rear lifting mechanism. The drive has a ratio of 5:1 and 1.7:1. 2xl but can not cope with the weight over 4kg, with the drive so I am not happy. Fully independent suspension. It is very soft, so the first and last axle further based on the axle.
Thank you.