Demag CC1800-1

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Heavy Dude
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
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Messagepar Heavy Dude » Ven Juil 29, 2011 1:48 pm

Good afternoon,

Let me kick of this section of the forum with my newest creation.

It is a 1:25 scale model of a Demag CC1800-1.

Some dimensions:
Super lift boom_1,2 meter
Main boom_2,0 meter
Jib boom_1,0 meter
Ballast on super structure_0,6 kilograms
Ballast on super lift carrier_ 4 kilograms

It carries the following motors:
A-frame_1 M motor
Winch 1_1 M motor
Winch 2_1 M motor
Super lift_1 M motor
Luffing jib_1 M motor
Tracks_4 XL motor
Ballast carrier_1 XL motor

The crane slews with the wheels on the ballast carrier, slewing through the center of the crane was too weak.

Power is supplied through a converter, so no use of fooling around with battery boxes.


With the current ballast it is possible to raise and lower the boom in the current setup.

Work to do:
1. 1 more meter of jib.
2. Build tracks.
3. Enhance superlift carrier.

It is work in progress, so more to come.


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Messagepar Anio » Ven Juil 29, 2011 4:04 pm

And finally someone posted a message in that section... 8)
I'm glad to see that ST is a bit known abroad. ^^

The rotation of the model is I think the hardest part to design because of the very high torques involved.
But with what you've already built, and the very smart ideai you've got, I guess you will make it ! :)
Indeed, rotating the crane from the back enables too reduce a lot the necessary torque.

Is there a chance you change some colors ? A 2 color scheme would look better IMO. ;)
I guess it is not possible, cause you may lack bricks in some colors given that the MOC is very big.

Is there non Lego parts on the model ?
Can you rise the arm from the ground without any help ?
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

Heavy Dude
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Ven Juil 29, 2011 4:53 pm

Hello Anio,

It is true, 2 colors would be nicer, but as you said, lack of brick made me use grey aswel.

Except for the ballast the complete crane is out of legos.
The only adjustment I made was to bore out the centre holes of the technic wedge belt wheel Image

I can raise the mast of the ground in this configuration and with this ballast. This can only be done because of the use of a jib.
The trick is to leave the tib of the jib on the floor (There are two wheels mounted) while raising and so reduce the weight on the end of the main boom.
When the jib and main boom are at a 90 degree angle the tip of the jib can be lifted.
The superlift then comes off the floor by 3 centimers and you can hear the boom protesting :D

I hope to finish the crawlers this weekend and make a testdrive.
Due to the bad weather overhere in Holland I can't take the crane outside and stretch the complete boom :(


Heavy Dude
Level 2
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 10:49 am

Good day,

As you can see, the choosen crawler design was not stabil enough:


So it's back to the drawing board.

Anyway, the crane is back together again, with some improvements offcourse and I hope my new track design is powerfull enough :/


PS Reply's in French are welcome, thanks to Google translate this is no problem ;)

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Messagepar Anio » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 11:41 am

W00t !

That's impressive ! O_o
Like a real crash !

You was not with the crane when it crashed ?

Did some part break near the turntable ?

I do not imagine your face when you saw that.
It would be a nightmare for me to see my hours of work vanished like that. :/

Heavy Dude a écrit:PS Reply's in French are welcome, thanks to Google translate this is no problem ;)

No. All messages written in French will be deleted.
In this section, English messages only. :)
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

Heavy Dude
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 11:53 am

Hello Anio,

The only thing I was worried about was if there were any beams broken, I am really short on those :pfff:
Putting it back together took me 3 hours. The reeving of the wire is the most work.

Constructing a piece like this is still a work of trial and error, I think that will always be when you're pushing the limits.

You can compare this crash a bit with a crash like the "Big Blue" (you can check that out on Youtube) Too much weight at a too high altitude. If the crane goes sideways 2 or 3 degrees the weight comes too far outside the crawlers and then pulls the whole thing down. The boom is now 3,4 meters high when erected.

I was sitting in my desk chair when it happened and couldn't get up quick enough to stop the boom from tipping sideways :fire:

@ Legoman, thanks for your reply, more to come.


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Messagepar comptesuppr012015 » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 12:43 pm

Heavy Dude a écrit:The only thing I was worried about was if there were any beams broken, I am really short on those :pfff:

So how many parts have been broken in this crash ?

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Messagepar babasorhum » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 1:14 pm

And more:
Do you have some photographs of the broken parts?

And can you give us pics with more details of your turntable's system?
Maybe we'll be able to help you...

Ps: congratulations for your crane, it looks nice (when of course it's not down ;) )

Heavy Dude
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 2:33 pm

Hello guys,

Nothing was broken, the flexibility in the boom sections saved me from a bad day.

I'll post some pictures of the turntable tonight. The problem was not the turntable, but more the connection from the body underneath the turntable to the crawlers. There was too much free space so the crane started to lean to one side.

I am trying to make the crane completely like the original, including the transport dimensions and pieces. That brings me the most headache, but I will get there some day :think:

As said, I'll post some pictures later tonight.


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Messagepar Benny » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 3:15 pm

Ouch! What a crash...
At least, the boom didn't crash into your mini crane models collection.
I'm not an expert, but your boom sections seems to be quite heavy. As you said, too much weight at a too high altitude.
Have you raised the roof to have your whole crane reaching 3,4 meters high? :P
Hope to see the rebuild photos soon.
Ma galerie Brickshelf Mon Brickset
Québécois pur laine!

Heavy Dude
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Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 10:53 pm

As promised, the pictures:

First an overal sight of the carbody in transport mode



A close up of the roller bearing


The bottom part of the carbody. The rollers sit on flat plates on the bottom side. The light grey axles connect the turntable to this part.


And the top part. The turntable is fixed solid to this part.


The rollers run under studles beams on this side. The inner part of the super structure is completely made out of studless to save room and make stronger connections.


And finally a close up of the turn table without the rollers.



I hope this shades some light on the construction.
The bottom part of the carbody will be redesigned completely and I'm thinking of something completely different which I've never seen in Lego before.

Curious? Stay tuned.


EDIT: Pictures resized, sorry.....
Dernière édition par Heavy Dude le Mar Aoû 09, 2011 6:05 pm, édité 1 fois au total.

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Messagepar Anio » Lun Aoû 08, 2011 11:40 pm

I've removed all the [img]. Indeed, 2Mo pics is way too big for a forum.
Next time, I delete all the photos.

So please, downsize before uploading your photos. 2Mo photos just does not make sense !
That's just Lego Bricks, after all. 100Ko or 200Ko pics are enough. ;)
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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Messagepar françois81 » Mar Aoû 09, 2011 1:38 pm

What a terrible crash ! It's very impressive and not fun. :pfff: I imagine that your heart is full of unhappiness!
I hope you wil begin a new big crane more stable !
Good luck!
faire et défaire, c'est toujours travailer

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Messagepar babasorhum » Mer Aoû 10, 2011 10:42 am

I think you should use only studfull construction for your turntable's system. Because you need a very inflexible strap at this crane's place.
So in my mind, you have to throw out the studless parts, and use a studfull turntable too. Like this one: ImageImage

I also was surprised when I saw that the turntable isn't powered?
Will you motorize it?

Heavy Dude
Level 2
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Localisation: NL-3417 Montfoort
Âge: 48 ans

Messagepar Heavy Dude » Mer Aoû 10, 2011 11:12 am

Hi there,

The turntable is not concerning me the way it is now, it actually works pretty well and runs incredibly smooth.
If i give it a push at the back it will almost make a complete cirkel on its own.

The rotation is provided by the motorized ballast carrier at the back of the crane.
As it is now, the crane can not rotate when the ballast carrier is not connected.

I am thinking about driving the turntable, when the booms are not on, through the center of the turntable. By using a Image on the grey inside of the turntable Image
This will also reduce the rotation even more.

When the booms are on and the friction is much higher, the ballast carrier can take over the rotation.

Regarding the studless interior, this only holds the winches. The strenght of the crane comes out of the studded sides of the crane.
In theorie, the outsides work as two independent beams. On the front the boom is mounted and in the back the ballast is hanging on it.
The studless interior only connects these two sides. The studded sides can be taken of (EG for another color scheme) but the inside always stays the same.

I'll try to post a picture from this later tonight.


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