Read the guidelines !

If you do not speak French, this section is for you !
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Messages: 19609
Âge: 37 ans

Messagepar Anio » Dim Mai 22, 2011 12:30 am

Hi all,

This section has been created for foreign members to be able to present their creations easily. Here at TechLUG, we greatly appreciate when members do comprehensive presentation of their creations. So, do not hesitate to explain many things : the goal you had when designing your MOC, the difficulties you experienced to design it, the features you included, the smart building techniques you used, how it works inside (often the most interesting part ! :P ), the limitation of the mechanisms, why you did this choice and not that one, etc.
With that section, you and us are also able to be in touch with another community, which is always appreciable. :)

This section does not aim at replacing any other foreing forum where you can use your native language and post your WIP or mods, such as LUGPol for Polish, HispaLUG for Spanish etc. To discuss about an official set or to comment a photo of a new model, please, do not post here or in any other section of TechLUG forum (even if your message in English) but use Eurobricks or the forum of the LUG of your country. Because you have to keep in mind that TechLUG is still a French forum. :resp:

In this section, ALL the messages have to be written in English. And sorry, but the English messages which are only written with a translator are not welcome. :clin: In other words, you have to speak English to post here. No message will be translated, so, French members are not allowed to post French messages either.

Any message which does not comply with these rules will be deleted.
And of course, like on any forum, courtesy is a requisite and flood is forbidden. :P

To put it in a nutshell :
- Technic MOCs (comprehensive presentation recommended)
- No modification of official models or discussion about official Technic models.
- only English messages, but no translator

Remarque pour les lecteurs français : si vous ne parlez pas correctement Anglais, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à poster dans cette section. Et si vous parlez 3 mots d'Anglais, dispensez vous des messages de type "Great", "I like it !" ou "Awesome". Ca n'apporte strictement rien à la discussion.
Par ailleurs, les membres français sont priés de ne pas utiliser cette section pour présenter leur travaux en Anglais. Cela ne présente aucun intérêt et n'est qu'un simple doublon de ce que vous pouvez écrire dans la section "Vos MOCs". Pour présenter vos MOCs en Anglais à une autre communauté, rapprochez-vous tout simplement d'une autre communauté (ce n'est pas ce qu'il manque ! :D ).
Think outside the box.

Tout plein de liens utiles dans mon profil ! :P

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