Motorized hydraulic excavator

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Messagepar gdbecane » Sam Fév 01, 2014 2:55 pm

Hello Yannmar,

I also want to congratulate you for your 42006-based excavator.

No extra needs as long speech to explain it you.
I'm rebuilding it, and encounters some lacks.

I hope you still have it build so you will easily save me :)

I got a lot of questions, mostly collected in the pictures below.

4 new photos from your model may answer most of them :
- left side, without pannel
- rear, without battery box or pannels
- top
- front, between the main-arm and the LA.

so pictures and questions now :


1) What is pinned in thisz hole of Image. I cant see what is in the gearbox-encasement used
2) Here it seems an axle (other size too.) which lengs ?
3) What is pinned here, I miss a consolidading piece here ? Is it this Image ?
4) same question, which piece here
5) same question, which piece here ? Is it this Image ?


6a +6b) What the piece here ? Highly probable some liftarm 5x3 or 4x2 ?
7) on the 5,5 axle, did the empty place remain empty, or did you fit a bush in ?
extra1) did you notice something uncomplete when looking at the gear-box encasement ? I'm not sure if they may be some liftarm going throuh from front to rear ?


8a + 8b) which piece here ?
9a + 9b) I notice your construct is mostly symetric, but : how is the 9a T Image pinned, just as I do with my 9b ? What about the lowest hole ?
10) What is pinned here ? I expect some "axle joinner with hole" thqt join axle that will comes from right and left, but it could be much more.At best a photo here.

Front :

11) Is it correct ? only the yellow connector Image and an axle-pin ? or is it something more complex ?
12) From your photos I can only expect this piece Image. Is it right ? how is her bottom fixation ?
13) That is THE Question. the rest is not so critical, but here : how it the main-arm-LA-transmission axle hold ? Here I didnt find any tips in your photos.
14) Is really the axle as long as I painted it ? Does it stop before the cabine ?

Cabine :

15) in the hearth of the transmission, through the cabine, I wonder if there is something missing ? some reinforcement ?
16) except if the axle of 14) really comes up to the cabine-commands, are the liftarm 5 only hold with the pin 3L ?

I hope you will see my post and be able to respond soon :)
Anyway, thanks for the nice model.

Best Regards,

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Localisation: Saint-Petrsburg, Russia
Âge: 44 ans

Messagepar yannmar » Sam Fév 22, 2014 8:49 pm

gdbecane a écrit:Hello Yannmar,
I hope you will see my post and be able to respond soon :)
Anyway, thanks for the nice model.

Best Regards,

That's amazing reverse engineering work! Sorry for that delay in reply. I've prepeared LDD file, I hope it will help you. Also this file and parts list (excel file) are available for download from Yandex.Disk.

I recoment to use only v2 linear actuator (with lubricant inside). v1 actuators don't operate good.

Please let me know if you are unable to use the LDD file for any reason, we'll find another way to help you.


Level 6
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Âge: 41 ans

Messagepar Remi » Mar Fév 25, 2014 8:53 pm

Thanks for your work.
I've started building it (I need an extra LA to complete it), and it's very easy to use, even for my 2 years old son. He loves it (and so do I). :loveyes:
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Level 1
Level 1
Messages: 8
Localisation: Saint-Petrsburg, Russia
Âge: 44 ans

Messagepar yannmar » Mar Fév 25, 2014 9:56 pm

Remi a écrit:Thanks for your work.
I've started building it (I need an extra LA to complete it), and it's very easy to use, even for my 2 years old son. He loves it (and so do I). :loveyes:

Thanks a lot! Please feel free to make any improvements, modification and adapt model for part set you have.

Remi a écrit:for my 2 years old son

Just please be carefull with small parts that are dangerous for children.

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